Teaching Staff

Nakamura, Masanobu

Management Accounting

Masanobu Nakamura’s main research interest is in management control system for project management. Management control system is the central concept of management accounting. Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources, and a project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal (PMBOK® guide). Dr. Nakamura has about 20years experience as management consultant, and is, now, interested in project management for new product development by Japanese manufacturers and is trying to utilize management control system for new product development by project. In the 21st century, a lot of Japanese manufacturers have to try to launch attractive products, efficiently, by using project management, in accordance with the change speed of market. He is leading the co-research with Asian researchers for Japanese manufacturers. Dr. Nakamura gives advanced lectures on ‘accounting’ and ‘management accounting’ using concrete cases built upon the experiences as management consultant and the advanced lecture in Meiji University and . He intends to show the essence of management accounting and to support motivation for creativity and inquisitive mind in a learning atmosphere.

Hara, Shinji
Vice Dean

Regional Management
Creativity and Regional Development
Practical Creative Work

Shinji HARA graduated in human geography from the University of Tokyo in 1990. After finishing doctor course of the University of Tokyo, he joined the faculty of Economics, Kagawa University in 1995. He was engaged in founding a new business school at Kagawa University in 2004, which uniquely put focus on MBA training for regional development. He became a professor at Graduate School of Management in 2011. He was appointed as the dean of the business school in 2015. His research topics include economic geography of industrial cluster, global project management, Hollywood movie industry and its global structural change, and creativity-based regional development. He carried out both quantitative and qualitative approach in his various researches. In 2014, he started a new course called “Creativity and Regional Development” aiming at training skills to develop a movie script with more regional elements as creative input and also to develop a business plan with collaboration of movie project and various local industry. The course is uniquely programed by hybrid of methods from both screenwriting in Hollywood and regional and organizational research including intensive fieldwork. He was a visiting scholar at UCLA between 1998 and 2000, and between 2011 and 2012 as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar.

Itaya, Kazuhiko

Management Theory
Qualitative Methodology

Kazuhiko ITAYA received his MS in Coordinated Sciences in 1986 from the University of Tokyo. He received his PhD in Engineering in 2002, and also received his PhD in Arts and Sciences in the Department of General Systems Studies at the University of Tokyo in 2010. He joined the Toshiba Corporation in 1986 and had worked on the research and development and on related new business for more than 30 years. He was a visiting scholar at UCSB between 1993 and 1995. He was also appointed as the professor of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 2013. He became a professor at Graduate School of Management in 2017. Dr. ITAYA, using qualitative methods, explains various creative activities of knowledge workers in the organization. He also proposes creativity-promoting management systems using social experimental methods. He has broad experience in business as well, as a researcher in technology at a technology-related company and as a business professional, aiming to take advantage of technology effectively in the service sectors. He believes that creativity of knowledge workers is strongly required in today’s various management organizations of companies and regional communities. He received an award of PICMET '17 Conference Brad W. Hosler Outstanding Student Paper Award Nominating Professor in 2017.

Osaki, Takanori

Marketing Strategy
Marketing ResearchLocal Public Policy

Takanori Osaki is a professor at the graduate school of management, Kagawa University since 2023. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Kyushu University in 2005. After working for Toyota Motor Corporation, he moved into academia and became a faculty member at Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science and Meijo University. Also, he has extensive overseas research and teaching experience, including as a visiting researcher at the University of Washington and a professorial lecturer at De La Salle University. His research field is marketing, and his main research themes so far include building relationships with consumers, international marketing of mobile phones, and marketing of high-value-added products. Currently, he is about to embark on a research project on marketing in relation to regional revitalization.

Miwa, Nishinaka

Strategic Management
Service Management
Regional Economic Situation in Shikoku2

 Miwa Nishinaka is a professor at Graduate School of Management, Kagawa University since 2019. She was an associate professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies from 2016 to 2019. After she obtained her Ph.D. in Knowledge Science in 2015 from Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (JAIST), she joined as a researcher at JAIST from 2015 to 2016. Prior to that, she worked for a global IT company as an analyst and project manager. Her research interests lie in management theory, knowledge management and organizational studies. Her current research includes regional strategy model for promoting meso-level community formation aiming at regional well-being as value. Strategic management, as one of her fields of specialization, is offered in a lecture course. The purpose of this course is to understand the standard theories and frameworks through lectures and discussions with cases. It incorporates exercises so that the students can formulate strategies in practice. The strategic perspectives and methodologies which students learn in this course are effective not only for corporate management but also for regional management, NPOs and even individual strategies. Service management is relatively a new area on management theories. Unlike products, services are intangible but are subject to transactions. One of its characteristics is it has a process that its value is created by both the customer and the company. In this lecture, students can learn typical theories and methodologies of service management including service design and service business strategy through lectures and exercises.

Hidekazu, Miyoshi

Financial Management
SME Finance and business succession
Life Planning

Hidekazu MIYOSHI mastered a degree of Ph.D. (Kyoto University) with an article of “A study of the economics of the historical events that led to the birth and development of Japanese investment management companies, as well as a study of future issues.” The theme Dr. Miyoshi is now conducting studies on is “How to Utilize Financial Functions in the Aging Society.” The problem of the aging society is severe especially in local areas. Dr. Miyoshi intend to study how financing can help revitalize the economy locally, and put the findings into practice. Dr. Miyoshi is a professor at the graduate school of management, Kagawa University since 2020.Dr. Miyoshi has more than 30 years of experience in equity investing and is still an advisor to the university's endowment fund, and has been teaching at the university as a professor since 2007. According to Ryu Murakami, a famous novelist in Japan, “Money cannot buy happiness, but it can prevent unhappiness.” He was referring to personal matters, but it’s the same with businesses. Dr. Miyoshi is in charge of two lectures: one about teaching the process from founding businesses to going public through simulations, the other about teaching ways to improve the values of publicly listed businesses.

Yoshizawa, Yasuyo

Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management

As society becomes more globalized and diversified, how to face diverse working individuals and enhance organizational capabilities is required for the next-generation management in organizations. I have two courses focusing on working individuals called “Organizational Behavior” and “Human Resource Management”. In my research, I have focused on “relationships between working individuals and corporate organizations (organizational commitment, organizational climate/culture, working motivation, etc.)”, “working style” and “career”. My early research had dealt with "telework", "work-life balance" and "diversity" in the private think tank as my first career. In 2009, I mastered a degree of Ph.D. (Keio University) with an article of “A study on Life-Career and Worthwhileness of Working” and have been engaged in career development and career support afterward. Recently, I am conducting research on “Dynamism of working motivation in life career”. The main theory of working motivation had been refined for young adults. In today's aging society with a declining birthrate, there is a limit to its explanatory power. Moreover, it is meaningful to conduct this research and disseminate the results in Japan, where aging is progressing globally. I try to build working motivation theory for middle-aged and older adults in order to realize a lifelong active society.

Sato, Katsunori

Theory of Social Entrepreneur
Regional Tourism Management

Katsunori Sato is an associate professor at Graduate School of Management in Kagawa University. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Tohoku University in Japan and an MSc degree in Business and Commerce at Keio University, Japan. His research focuses on the possibility of Social Business in developed countries. He is particularly interested in regeneration of tsunami affected areas in Japan. During his doctoral work he studied "Designing Community Development:Neo-Contingency Approach to Community Building Organizations" in Japan. And he has volunteer experiences in several non-profit organisations.

Tetsuya, Shimane

Statistical Analysis
Economic Evaluation Of Urban And Environmental Policies
Research Ethics

Tetsuya SHIMANE is an associate professor at graduate school of management, Kagawa University since 2019. He received MS in Engineering in 1996 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests are in applied econometrics and spatial econometrics. He works on empirical economic analysis of individual and firm decision-making. He is particularly interested in spatial correlation models and discrete choice models.

Nagamachi, Kohei

Economic Analysis
Regional Economic Analysis
Personal Website

Kohei NAGAMACHI is an associate professor at the graduate school of management, Kagawa University since 2014. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Tokyo in 2015. He was a research associate at the graduate school of economics, the University of Tokyo between 2012 and 2014, and also a visiting scholar at the department of economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid during the 2012 winter. His research areas are urban economics and new economic geography. In particular, he is interested in the distributions of skills and technologies across cities and their impacts on macroeconomic outcomes, inequalities, and welfare. Cities are the essential spatial unit for the organization of economic activity in the modern economy, as suggested by the fact that people and firms (in particular, skilled people) continue to agglomerate in cities to get close to each other even after the development of information and communication technology. He has studied theoretically how ex-ante identical locations sort themselves into different sets of skills, technologies, and functions, leading to the rise and fall of locations and the emergence of urban hierarchy. He currently focuses on quantitative and empirical analysis on structural transformation and the rise of the knowledge/intangible economy in developed countries from the perspective of the system of cities. He provides courses in microeconomics and spatial economics, which help managers and policymakers in decision/policy making and program evaluation.

Yasushi, Yamamoto

International Management
Project Design Theory

Yasushi Yamamoto brings more than 30 years of senior level management experience in IT and semiconductor industries. Yamamoto has capitalized on his extensive experience in business modeling for design services, intellectual property, and product design management to develop novel design automation tools and flows. Yamamoto most recently served as a founder & CEO at several startups which were acquired with a high valuation. Prior to that Yamamoto served as a senior manager of Okura & Co., Ltd., US$5 billion’s large general trading corporation including several senior management positions for business development and in Okura’s Corporate Venture Capital section to help financing for venture companies most in the U.S. which include Xilinx (NASDAQ XLNX), Vantage Analysis Systems currently Synopsys (NASDAQ SNPS)), and Exemplar Logic (later acquired by Mentor Graphics (NASDAQ MENT)). Yamamoto received a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from Keio University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Waseda University, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies. He holds a Ph.D. from Waseda University where his thesis was focus on modeling and analyzing design process for larger and complicated product development in Management Science. Yamamoto is a professor specially appointed at Graduate School of Management, Kagawa University.

Miki, Nishimura
The research theme is regional revitalization through the creation of a new food culture in the Setouchi region called "Setouchi cuisine." "Setouchi cuisine" is a new food culture that incorporates the positive aspects of the Mediterranean diet, which is currently being studied as a healthy diet, into the traditional food culture of Setouchi. We are working on research and practice to show how "Setouchi cuisine" can provide a direction and concept for the diversifying food issues and needs of the region, connect related things, build a cooperative system, and lead to problem solving. Specifically, we are trying things like developing specialty dishes that combine stories such as the history, traditions, and culture of the region with local specialties, and "geofood," an experiential tourism content that allows people to learn and enjoy food born from the region's climate and geography.

●E-mail addresses of teaching staff
Next to the full name of each lecturer is the teacher’s e-mail account name in parentheses.
E-mail addresses of teaching staff are formed by placing “@kagawa-u.ac.jp” after the account name.

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